The growth of the Vaasa energy cluster is constantly evolving. Latest figures reveal an evident positive trend overall. EnergyVaasa companies are not only increasing their turnover, they are also creating more jobs than earlier.
The last time key performance indicators in the energy cluster were measured was in 2019, and since then there has been growth in all areas. This was stated by representatives of EnergyVaasa at a press conference held at VASEK’s office in Vaasa.
The energy cluster, which now consists of 180 companies, has grown by 20 companies since the last survey. The companies now have a combined total of 13,000 employees.
The total annual turnover of EnergyVaasa companies at present is 6 billion euros. This represents an increase of 20 per cent in four years, with over 80 per cent being export revenue.
Kristoffer Jansson, Communications & Brand Manager at EnergyVaasa, notes that there is increasing global demand for products and solutions focussing on the green transition, which is clearly reflected in EnergyVaasa’s results.
20 years ago, we said we would save the world with our energy-efficient solutions. Now we are doing it!
Investing in research and development
Key performance indicators confirm that EnergyVaasa companies are investing heavily in research and development, with an annual investment of 250 million euros. Looking ahead, the leading companies plan to invest up to 1.9 billion euros in energy technological infrastructure and technology by the end of 2030.
“These figures refer to already confirmed investments, and do not consider, for example, offshore wind power,” explains Mr Jansson.