University of Vaasa ranks among top 17 small universities in the world

University of Vaasa campus in autumn
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The University of Vaasa has been confirmed 17th in the Times Higher Education (THE) Small Universities Ranking.

Times Higher Education has revealed its 2024 ranking of the best small universities across the world. The ranking highlights those universities that deliver outstanding results with a relatively small student body while meeting all the criteria of THE World University Ranking.

In 2024, the University of Vaasa is ranked in joint 17th place among the 88 universities evaluated, and 2nd among Nordic universities. The ranking result improved from the previous year, when the University was ranked 18th.

Martin Meyer
Martin Meyer

Martin Meyer, vice-rector of international affairs at the University of Vaasa, comments:

I am delighted about the result which highlights the quality of our provision in both teaching and research. Our ranking success shows that as a university focused on sustainable business, energy and society, we can make a real difference in this important area. A big thank you to everyone for their contributions.

The 17th place in THE’s Small Universities Ranking is a great continuation of the University of Vaasa’s success in international rankings. During the spring and summer, the university was featured in THE’s Young Universities and Impact rankings, as well as in the QS World University Rankings Europe.

The average number of students at institutions in the 2024 small universities ranking is 3,215, while the average number of students at an institution in THE’s main global ranking is 25,000. The full Small Universities Ranking list published by THE can be found here.

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